Tuesday 2 August 2011

Fruit Picking

Sunday the 30th, last day in July...... we went to fruit picking.

I usually would play football in the Football Sunday League(very well known across the UK) but today there we got no game. I was begging that I don't to go because my legs hurt(previous story http://amirrul9.blogspot.co.uk/2011/08/merdeka-cup.html) but after my mum said it's hard to fruit picking in Malaysia and even my brother was crying(wasn't really) for me to follow. After all that, I had enough of that, I just follow.

The fruit picking shop called Q-Garden. It was 30 minutes journey from home. It was a sunny day, nice and warm- perfect day to be fruit picking. Well, nearly all of us, just collected strawberries as that is only our favourite fruit. Then, dad got an idea, we did a competition that who could find the biggest strawberry... everyone was running like it was the end of the world trying to find the biggest strawberry. Mum wasn't taking part  in that competition, she was mile ahead of us picking other fruits such as cherries..... just name it. Our fruit picking time is finish, guess who win the competition*drum roll* EVERYONEHow did everyone win, well because everyone got a big juicy strawberries and we don't even know to measure or weigh it, so we decided that everyone win, fair isn't it.

Funny bit, as we thought that we picked the fruit and eat, then the left over we have to paid. HAH, we were actually wrong. But to pay then eat............. everyone made a mistake

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